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Get Involved and Support
the #1 way everyone can support our mission is by spreading the word and sharing

Music Fans

  • Sign up for our email list to stay up to date on our progress and programs

  • Know of a great building for our home? Please tell us!

  • Attend fundraising and awareness events prior to our grand opening

  • Donate money, equipment, or music

  • Become a Member or Volunteer

C4RM Volunteers accepting a generous donation of record albums

Record Stores

  • Help build our archive of music by donating or lending music

  • Participate in fundraising and awareness events, including pop-up sales

  • Sponsor shows or exhibits at the Center


Industry Professionals

  • Contact us about joining our Industry Advisory Council

  • Discuss hosting or presenting events at the Center

  • Help build our archive of music

  • Contribute equipment or merchandise for exhibits or fundraising

Recording Studio
Business Meeting


  • Marketing and Co-marketing opportunities

  • Do you have a property or know of a good location, please let us know

  • Discuss opportunities for partnership

  • Sponsor shows or exhibits at the Center

  • Consider supporting us with Donations or through Corporate Memberships

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